Very few studies support remittances in sub‐Saharan Africa. The researches that are available portray a very different picture of these developing countries than the ground reality.


A national survey of 5,998 households was conducted to determine the reasons for the overseas remittances in Ghana. The study exposes the inward remittance myths in Ghana and further estimates that remittances could be three times large, bringing Ghana on par with big remittance-receiving countries such as Mexico and the Philippines. The study utilizes a smaller range to initiate projects using a matched sample of senders and recipients of remittances to assess the quantity and impact of overseas remittances by using household‐level surveys.


Foreign remittances are larger in value, which, according to the studies, have significant remittances impacts on Ghana population, as locally delivered remittances reach below par parts of the population. But, the remittances are unevenly distributed for the poorest regions as they receive more in the center regions than in northern Ghana. The study asserts a need to examine the overseas effects of remittances as these can be large and stem from rural populations.


Inward remittance myths and facts unveiled:


The convention, presented by Geraldine Adiku, ‘All the money I raised, I raised from Ghana’ states the understanding of reverse remittance practice among Ghanaian population and expats in the United Kingdom. Remittances are often conceived as money sent by overseas migrants from ‘developed’ into ‘developing’ countries, the research of Geraldine investigates the face of transnational economic exchanges between expats and their relatives – reverse remittances. All myths about international money transfers have been unbiased by this study.


Where we thought that once people migrate and start to earn, they send back money to their families back in Ghana, studies reveal reverse remittances. This means families also tend to support the people out there in the western world facing recessions and the effects of the widespread novel Coronavirus.


In the context of Ghanaian migrants in the UK, the study reveals that transnational financial transactions between migrants and their relatives are driven by their different access to several types of capital, and their motives for migration. These factors affect whether a migrant will send remittances or receive reverse remittances instead.

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