EziPay enables you to send money to Ghana smartly, unlike no other application, financial institution, or international money transfer organization. The existing methods of transferring money onli…
Residing in a foreign country has never been easy. You may accept and adapt to their ways of living, but deep down there, who wants to forget the Ghanian ways of living? The main reason you migrat…
Sub-Saharan Africa has the fastest-growing expats population. SSA nationals have migrated greatly since 2010 to the developed countries. Since then, inward remittances have significantly hiked. Co…
Open the EziPay application on your mobile to instantly transfer money to Africa at low remittance money transfer charges. Unlike other apps and methods of sending money overseas, EziPay does not …
An immigrant will have multiple reasons to transfer money back to its country. While you are residing in a developed country and getting a handsome remuneration for your skills, you will think of …
While you reside outside your home country, all you want is, to be available for family in case of emergencies. Over the years, the remittance industry has seen sea changes. This industry has evol…
Inward remittance simply implies that the money was transferred to an account domestically or internationally. This makes inward remittance meaning quite clear. With the growing expat’s populati…
As most financial transactions are going digital, there have been various applications launched to facilitate it. You might be a retailer that faces regular problems in taking payments from differ…
The growing economy is the result of the shining beacons of accomplishments and progress made by the expat population. There has been a steady economic growth in African nations due to the potenti…
Ezipay took yet another step forward in its goal to ensure seamless and easy transactions for millions of people around the world. This is as a result of the cemented partnership between UBA bank an…